Resources for Visitors

The Duke Divinity School library is located on Duke University's West Campus. It is adjacent to the Duke Chapel and located in Gray Building. More directions info

Helpful Links:

Building Info

The building is accessible from 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday; 8:30am to 5pm, Saturday; and 8am to 6pm Sunday to all patrons. Be sure to check the library's hours before planning your visit.

Guest Computer Access

  • Two public access computers are available for guests without a NetID or Alumni Access card.
  • Guest logins and passwords can be obtained from the circulation desk.
  • Each guest login and password can be used for one hour per day. 

Need help?

Do you have research questions? Would you like a tour of the library? Contact our reference staff for further information or call the service desk at 919-660-3450.

Computing in the Library

The Duke Divinity School library has two public-access computers on the main floor of the library (next to the reference collection). Guests to Duke can also use the "visitor" wireless network which provides basic connectivity to the web.

To connect to Duke's visitor wireless network:

  • Open your network preferences and look for a network called "visitor," which should be available to you across campus. Select this network.
  • Open a browser. You should see the "welcome" message pertaining to the visitor network.
  • Click Continue to connect to your normal start page.
  • Note that the network cuts you off automatically after an hour of inactivity
  • For additional help, contact the OIT service desk at (919) 684-2200.

Printing, Copying, & Scanning in the Library

Finding books & other materials

Use the library catalog to locate books in the library. When you have the call number of the book, refer to our stacks guide [insert link] to find its location. To request material from the library service center (LSC), use the guest request form.

Checking Out Materials

Visitors who do not have a current, formal relationship with Duke can purchase an outside borrowers card for $100/year by becoming a member of the Friends of the Duke University Libraries.

There are three ways to join:

Duke University Libraries
Box 90581
Durham, NC  27708

 If you choose to give by check, please make it payable to Duke University, and write Libraries Annual Fund in the memo line. 

Books have 4 week loans and a check out limit of 10 books. Books may be recalled for use by another patron after two weeks. Return recalled books promptly as there is a fine of $3/day past due date for recalls.

Special Note: the Borrowers Card does not include access to licensed databases and remote resources. Off-site access to these databases is limited to faculty, staff, and students of Duke University.

Benefits of membership include:

  • A 10% discount at Duke's Gothic Bookshop and Durham's Regulator Bookshop
  • Subscriptions to Duke University Libraries magazine and the "Among Friends" newsletter
  • Recognition in the annual list of donors, published in the Libraries' magazine
  • Invitations to Libraries events 

Visiting Scholars

  • Visiting scholars who submit a written request on institutional letterhead, or advanced graduate students who provide a letter of introduction from their primary supervisor in which the need to use our resources is outlined, are welcome to use our library for short-term projects of up to two weeks.
  • The Divinity has one visitor carrel for short term use by visiting scholars in this category. It is available on a first come/first served basis and there is a refundable key deposit of $20 that is required.
  • Visiting researchers are encouraged to schedule their visit at least two weeks in advance of their arrival and double check both our published hours (which are frequently reduced for breaks or holidays) and the card catalog to confirm that adequate time will be available for study and that the materials are indeed in our collection.
  • Scholars who will be in residence for 3-14 days may request a non-duke collaborator account for internet access, the necessity for which should be indicated in the initial correspondence.
  • Those wishing to consult materials held in the Rubenstein Rare Book library should be aware that the rare book library has its own visitor registration and item request/retrieval processes.