Resources for Students
The Divinity School Library is one of the Duke Professional School Libraries. Although it is located within the Duke Divinity School, it serves as the primary religion collection for the entire Duke University community.
Your Duke ID card is your Divinity Library card. Read more about adding your DukeCard to your mobile device.
Loan Periods
Students must present their mobile Duke ID cards at the circulation/reserves desk to check out materials from the library. Books on Reserve for Divinity courses have a 3-hour loan period, and a maximum of two reserve books can be checked out at any one time. Books in the regular circulating collection have semester loans for all graduate students, including Divinity and Religion, and 4-week loans for undergraduates.
Books may be renewed in person, by calling the circulation desk (919-660-3450), or online using My Accounts. Please note that books that have been recalled by another patron cannot be renewed.
Please note that books may be recalled for use by another patron after two weeks. Return recalled books promptly as there is a fine of $3/day past due date for recalls. To protect your privacy, the library does not give out the name of the patron who has checked out a book. We can, at your request, make a special effort to recall a book quickly.
Late books from the Reserve collection accrue fines at the rate of $0.50 an hour. Recalled books accrue fines at a rate of $3 a day. Duke Libraries will email patrons with a courtesy notice when a book's due date approaches, and overdue notices when the due date has passed. Once a book is 28 days overdue, it ages to "Lost" and patrons are assessed a $100 replacement fee and a $25 processing fee. Unpaid library fines are sent to the Bursar's Office.
Printing with ePrint
Duke students, staff, and faculty may print from a library or personal computer and retrieve your prints on any Library or OIT release stations. All print jobs will be stored on the server for 12 hours.
- Black-and-white printing is essentially free, but you have a quota of $32 a semester (about 3,000 pages). If your print balance falls below $9, you can request more printing funds for free at
- Color printing costs 25 cents per page and is charged from your FLEX account, not the free printing quota.
- You will need your Duke Card to release print jobs.
- More information on printing with ePrint.
Printers and scanners
The Divinity Library has two black and white ePrint stations (one outside the library entrance, and one across from the circulation desk). You may print to these printers with your own computer (download ePrint software) or from the library's public computers (log in with your NetID and password). The Divinity Library also has public scanners that can save scanned files to a flash drive or send them over email. For more information, here is a guide to the various printers, copiers, and scanners in the library.
Students are reminded that although we are a seminary library, the Divinity Library is open to the larger University and the public. Please do not leave any belongings unattended. We cannot guarantee the safety of items that are left unmonitored.
Zoom Pods
Do you need a quiet space to take a Zoom call or participate in an online class or meeting? The Divinity Library has two "Zoom Pods" upstairs on our BQ-BR level. Students can sign up on the calendars outside the pods for reservations during the current week. Contact to schedule a reservation more than a week in advance (or to schedule a recurring reservation throughout the semester).
Library Classrooms
The Divinity School Library has two seminar classrooms: the Baker Methodist Research Center (on the main floor) and the Library Seminar Room (094, on the BX level). Both rooms are available as reading rooms when they are not reserved. Divinity classes have priority for reservations. Contact Lacey Hudspeth with questions and reservation requests.
Study Carrels
Open Carrels: Most seating is open seating and is available each day on a first come, first served basis. Library Books found in study carrels will be reshelved each evening. Again, please do not leave belongings unattended in the library.
Assigned Carrels: The Divinity Library has a limited number of desks/study carrels that are available for assignment to doctoral students from the ThD Program and the PhD Program in Religion. Occupancy is for two years, renewable for a third year. Contact Dr. Benjamin with questions about the carrel waitlist.
Interlibrary Requests (ILR) assists scholarly research by obtaining library materials. Document delivery locates needed materials in other libraries, borrows books and microforms and obtains photocopied/scanned material on behalf of eligible Duke patrons. See the Interlibrary Requests page for more information and forms for submitting requests.
A reciprocal borrowing program is an agreement between institutional libraries where students/faculty from one school can register for library privileges at another school. Duke Divinity School Library is a member of three such programs: TRLN, Borrow Direct (the Ivy Plus Confederation), and Atla.
Duke University Libraries, together with the libraries of North Carolina Central University (NCCU), North Carolina State University (NCSU), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), participate in a cooperative library lending agreement called the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN). Faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students may obtain borrowing privileges at the other participating libraries.
Borrow Direct
The Ivy Plus Confederation includes the libraries of Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. Duke faculty, staff, and students may present their DukeCard to obtain borrowing privileges at these Borrow Direct/Ivy Plus libraries.
The Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program connects over 125 theological libraries in North America. Duke Divinity students can set up accounts to check out books at other Atla libraries, and patrons whose home library is in the Atla RBP network can set up accounts to check out books at Duke Divinity Library. Here is a map and a spreadsheet of participating libraries. Find more information here.
submitting your divinity thesis to proquest
Prior to graduation, doctoral students must submit their thesis or dissertation to ProQuest, from which it makes its way to DukeSpace. Students have the option to place a temporary embargo on their work so that it is not discoverable on DukeSpace or ProQuest. If you would like to select a 6-month or 2-year embargo on your work, please do so during the submission process! Publication on ProQuest and DukeSpace is your work's official entry into the academic record. Work is typically only withdrawn from the academic record for reasons of plagiarism or other academic malpractice. It is easier to remove an embargo you do not need than to place an embargo after your thesis is published! If you think you might want an embargo on your work, please place it during the submission process.
DukeSpace: See examples of Divinity Theses and Dissertations on DukeSpace
ProQuest: Search for dissertations from Duke and other institutions using ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global
Submit your dissertation using this link: ProQuest Submit Divinity Thesis
Still have questions about submitting your thesis? More information about Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)